Bremer Jugendring and the Guinean association for integration and education organized a discussion meeting together on the topic “integration through education – realistic chances for young people?”. It will take place on 7th september at 5.30 pm in Kunsthalle Bremen (Votragssaal).
The Guinean asscociation is composed of young people that came from Guinea to Bremen. The association supports its members with finding their way through daily life and the educational system in Germany and campaigns in general for better chances for people that migrated to Bremen.
Our “Dialog Unexpected” will focus on the topic of access to education. Although people always talk about “the students” or “the refugees”, aims and problems of youth coming to Bremen are diverse and individual. Nevertheless, especially for those who are said to not have a good chance of staying in Germany, the same structural obstacles are put in their way and work against their efforts to educate and integrate themselves into society. So what do we give the politicians to take with them just before the elections? What is working, what does not work at all, what are the crucial points regarding a fair educational system?
For the discussion we invited:
Doris Achelwilm (Die Linke)
David Ittekkot (Landesvorsitzender Jusos Bremen/SPD)
Kirsten Kappert-Gonther (Die Grünen)
Elisabeth Motschmann (CDU)
Lencke Steiner (FDP)
Karlheinz Heidemeyer (Handelskammer Bremen)
Swantje Hüsken (Vorstandsvorsitzende Bremer Jugendring, Jugendberufsagentur Bremerhaven)
The discussion will be moderated by Bernd Schmitt.
After the event there will be different information desks. Initiatives and experts are waiting there to counsel young guests on the topics of education, acknowledgement of degrees and rights.
Come and join the debate!