Integration through education – how can that look like? What has to be improved or changed? What are the views of the Parties and the local chamber of commerce on that topic?
On Thursday 7th september with support of Bremer Jugendring, the young members of the Guinean association for integration and education in Bremen met with the local candidates for the Bundestag and with a representative of the local chamber of commerce in Kunsthalle Bremen. Although the event seemed to be a “normal” panel discussion, in reality the length of speech of politicians and young initiators was almost equal. This was the outcome of a very good moderation realised by Bernd Schmitt and of the use of two noisemakers, a horn and a bell. The interrogator could decide on his own if he felt like his questions were not answered to the point or if someone was talking already for too long – in that case he just rang the bell!
Main issues of the discussion were entry-level vocational qualification for migrants, access to education, barriers in vocational schools and the wish for a quick and longterm access to german courses. There was also the question of how the government will deal with residence permits after the elections on september 24th. It became more than clear that the young people that were present want to do be trained for the training and not for securing their residence status. A lot of things that seem to be taken for granted for many, the young migrants have to struggle for all the time, as it is for the approval of degrees or the finding of a training or a field of study that they actually want to have.
For lack of time many questions could not be posed, for example how to better support youths that did not even find any kind of access to the educational system yet. Nevertheless, the guests on the podium extensively took notes concerning the reports of the experiences of the young association members. Therefore, the discussion concluded with the hope that both sides took their new suggestions with them, wether home, into the vocational school or even into the Bundestag!
Subsequently lively talks were held concerning the panel and on a more pragmatic dealing with problems in the educational and insurance system. Different organisations were invited and gave on-spot counselling on these topics.
We say thank you to all people that were there and contributed to a successful and entertaining evening!