Intensive, thrilling and well-attended – these are suitable words to describe the UNEXPECTED event on friday in the beautiful rooms of “°etage Bremen”. In the beginning, a striking role play involving the political and other guests showed the still unequal distribution of chances for a good education.
In the following discussion, one chair was always reserved for the crowd. Soon, a little line evolved behind this chair. The discussion focussed on the question: What kind of aspects belong to a good education and a fair education system? Answers were for example a secure residence permission, a realistic perspective or plan for the following years, places and support for learning and studying, a better living situation for many young people, financial security and support, voluntary forms of education, time for (political) engagement and much more. The essential point: Not everything should just stay as it is now!
In between, Dr. Lutz Liffers gave a lively talk on different concepts of education. Education is a human right but at least our education system is selective. How can we organise education in the future? How can the education system include and respect the wishes and skills of young immigrants? Should functional knowledge, as is needed for example for vocational training, be the final goal of education? Or is it much more important to foster independence and personality?
The young organizing group is already eager to plan the next common action previous to the state election in May 2019.